Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Door Assembly

The assembly of the doors was the most annoying and expensive task. The doors cost about $600 (not including painting) to reco. New rubbers, windows, door inserts, new locks etc - and I still reused the latch mechanism and 1/4 vents.

Update - 2013

Ok moved house from one state to another, so had to quickly assemble the car for the removalist company to move. Spent 4 hours cleaning the carport floor with chemicals, grinder etc to remove 12 months of oil, grease, paint etc stains.

There is a long list of things to do - over Christmas 2013. I ordered a Bestop Full Soft Top and a Bikini top including a rear rubber liner and a number of small bits and pieces. I still have to sort out a thermostat leak issue, wiring of rear taillights, oil pressure sender/guage issue, seat belts and roof fitted and then off to get engineer certificates for the roll bar and then registration.

I have been delayed this year by work and spending 6 months working in Africa, so 2014 will be the  year the vehicle is finally complete and on teh road, fingers crossed!

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Windscreen Dramas

Putting the original windshield back into the frame in teh backyard - all was going pretty well until - CRACK! Pushed too hard - doh!

 Here is the cracked windshield, luckily they were only $120 to replace - phew! When it broke I had visions of something around $300 for a new one.

Below is TAKE 2 of windshield installation with the new windscreen. Key is to use a thin piece of rope, plenty of soapy water and very little pressure, the window is sucked into the frame - I did not use any rubber window cement as the rubber makes a good seal. The rubber must be fitted to the window before you begin as well.

Below - Windshield successfully installed!

The wioers and wiper motor and hinges were then fitted before insatlling into the vehicle. This is one of the few activities that required 2 people during the rebuild. The rubber you can see is 2nd hand for $70 delivered. They are rare as hens teeth and a new one costs $200+.


Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Painted parts and chassis touch up

 Above is the fuel tank, blasted and then painted in 2PAC Black, coupled with a rinse ot it is like a brand new one,

Here are more of the underbody parts painted and ready to install. The painter originally quoted to paint the body panels but I kept slipping more various random underbody panels which he  ood bloke!did as part of the original quote - good bloke!

The above pictures are where I decided to patch up some of my dodgy earlier work. Because I had painted some of the KBS BlackTop when it was too humis if had bubbled and run. Thus to fix this I sanded back the chasis in a few sections at the front where it would be most visible and painted it with Acrylic black. It should more than do the job.